¡Adelante Latina! is a free, three-year community-based college access program for 10th-12th grade Latina girls attending Baltimore City public high schools. Applications are accepted in the spring of 9th grade.  We’re looking for girls who have a passion for learning and who dream of going to college.

¡Adelante Latina! helps to bridge the gap for its students by helping them overcome the socio-cultural, economic and academic barriers they face in pursuing a college career.

The goal of ¡Adelante Latina! is for all participants to be accepted into either a 2-year community college or a 4-year college or university with adequate financial support. Each student who participates in the program for all three years and who enrolls in college will receive a one year $3,000 scholarship.

"Why College?" is an important question we ask each junior to answer as they prepare to launch the college application process. 
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